Available student-athletes

  • Maxime Baur

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    Personal Information

    Maxime is a 17-year-old guy who is born and raised in Switzerland. Having German parents, he holds a German and Swiss passport and is proficient in French, German, and English. In addition to tennis, Maxime used to play soccer and basketball, and he still enjoys playing it at times with his friends.

    He is ambitious and eager to learn, both in the academic and athletic field. He is a real team player, contributing to the best results for his team, be it in projects at the gymnasium or in the interclub matches and beyond.

    Maxime is going into his junior year of high school (gymnasium level) and is expected to graduate (Baccalaureat/Maturité) in June 2026. He is keen to continue his academic career, majoring in International Business Management & Marketing, well paired with his "road to top" objective of turning Pro after his studies. He achieved a socre of 135 on his Duolingo test (corresponds to TOEFL 104-108) and is scheduled to take his SAT/ACT starting 2025.

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    Athletic Information

    Maxime is a 6,2 ft, highly focused left-handed player who likes to play to his strength (serve, forehand) while leveraging his backhand. He is known for his hard work and dedication and is very coachable. Being a strong turnaround player, if not leading the game at the start, he likes to play in teams both tactically and motivationally. 

    During his junior career, he has consequently been selected by SWISSTENNIS in the State (8), cross-state (11) and finally National Squad team (12) to be part of the National Squad C at this time under 18. At the Swiss national championships he became 2nd (2019) and reached the semi-finals in 2023 and 2024. He won the Swiss bowl (2022, 2023) and won the international School Competition (Coventry 2022). In addition, he reached the finals or was winner of various tournaments in Switzerland (U16/U18 and Men). His current UTR is 11.52 (highest 11.52) and his current WTN is 11.9 (highest 10). His current Swiss open national ranking is 95 (highest 95) and he has a N4 rating.The most recent turnout of a tournament has been the finalist in an ITF Tournament in September 2024.

    His best results over the past two years:

    0-6, 6-4, 6-7 loss to Felix Seres (UTR 11.85) July 2024
    4-0, 4-0, 5-3 win over Vincent Schatzmann (UTR 11.17) July 2024
    7-6, 6-3 win over Philip Weber (UTR 11.32), June 2024
    5-7,4-6 loss to Leandro Zgraggen (UTR 11.78) May 2024
    6-4, 3-6, 6-2 win over Roman Glarner (UTR 11.56) February 2024
    4-6 6-2 6-7 loss to Arnav Paparkar (UTR 11.67), October 2023
    7-6 6-2 win over Philip Weber (UTR 11.32), July 2023
    6-2 6-4 win over Felix Seres (UTR 11.97), March 2023
    6-3 6-3 win over Yohan Blanchard (UTR 11.15), December 2022
    6-0 6-4 win over Varun Verma (UTR 11.73), September 2022
    7-6 3-1 win over Timo Wergen (UTR 11.00), September 20226-4 2-6 6-7 loss to Sydney Zick (UTR 11.62), August 2022
    6-2 6-2 win over Dany Robas (UTR 11.27), August 2022


    Maxime's details

    Sport: Tennis
    Available: Fall 2026
    GPA: 3.0
    SAT/ACT score: Fall 2024
    TOEFL: 135 (Duolingo) corresponding to104-108 (Toefl)
    Country: Zwitserland

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